The Truffled Life

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Half Home Grown

I get pretty excited when half of my plate is home-grown.  For dinner tonight and from the garden we had a simple kale salad, sauteed beans and snap peas and grilled eggplant.  It was the first year we tried growing red, yellow, and orange bell peppers, but not one turned the colors they were supposed to.  They all stayed green, and from talking with other gardeners in my area I didn't realize how tricky that was to achieve.  I have to figure out why, but in the meantime, whenever we have a “miss,” I try to not let it bug me so much.  Gardening's not supposed to be stressful.  It's supposed to be fun.  That's what our local food store’s produce section is for, rescuing us when we need it (which in this case are the red and orange peppers pictured above).  We grilled up some BBQ chicken and made a side of cavatappi, and boom, dinner is served!