Drew Turns Ten


Some people don’t like celebrating their birthday. I say you can’t celebrate enough. I have two thoughts about birthdays: 1) celebrate BIG and celebrate long. I love to celebrate my birthday all month long. Why short ourselves to just one day, one dinner, one group of friends and family, one party? Life’s too short. Take a month and treat yourself, within your means, of course, but your birthday is about celebrating you. Don’t you deserve that?! Yes, you do! 2) Cake, you GOTTA have cake!!! And in this house, we go BIG with cake. Ten’s a big milestone too, and we thought this was the perfect cake on which to make a wish. A two tier naked cake in Drew’s favorite color. Impressive to see. Exciting to cut into. And even more indulgent to taste. Disclaimer: I did not make this. I’ll repeat again and again throughout this blog. I’m not a baker. I have a friend for that. She never disappoints. A fun cake always adds a little something special no matter what the occasion. And in case you were wondering…did we eat all of it? No way, Jose! But the best thing about cake is that it freezes beautifully. We froze the entire top tier of this one. How’d we do it? Since it’s just the three of use, I portion it into sections that are right for us. I don’t cut it into slices. I leave that portion whole. Next, I place a piece of wax paper over any parts with icing. Then I wrap the entire piece with plastic wrap twice. Once over horizontally, then another piece vertically. Without squishing the cake, make sure this is nice and tight, and get as much air out that you can. After that wrap the entire piece again with aluminum foil. (Or if it’s a small enough piece, you can also put it in a freezer zip lock gallon bag). I write the date on the outside with a Sharpie, and if you do this right, your cake will stay good in the freezer for weeks or even months. So, let me rephrase my original answer. We did eat all of the cake. We didn’t waste a morsel. We enjoyed it over a couple of months, pulling it out of the freezer and treating ourselves when we wanted something special for dessert. I hope you try it sometime too!


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