The Truffled Life

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Farm to Table - Yellow Tomato Caprese and Stuffed Banana Peppers

“You like potato, and I like potahto. You like tomato, and I like tomahto.” Taking a little lesson for Louis Armstrong’s “Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off” who says a tomato has to be red? I like tomatoes, and therefore I like growing them in my garden, but no one else eats them in my family. I can only give away so much to my neighbors, but when the plants are in the peak of their season, we really do need to start eating them ourselves. Did you know that yellow tomatoes are quite different than red? They’re sweeter and more firm. I think they’re so different that it’s almost like they’re a different fruit. The Super Tomato. Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating a little, but it’s enough of a difference that it got my husband to try one, and it got him to be a yellow tomato fan. (He still won’t lay hands on a red one). So, every year, we grow a regular yellow tomato plant, and we also plant yellow cherry tomatoes. We can’t eat enough of them. Sliced on a cheeseburger, tossed in a salad, or in this case we made a yellow tomato burrata caprese salad and a side of stuffed banana peppers. Sometimes healthy eating is just changing your lens and going about things from a different angle. In this case it was just changing the color.

How to Make Yellow Tomato Caprese:


  • 1-2 Yellow tomatoes, sliced into 1/4 inch slices (of course you can always use red)

  • 8 ounces fresh mozzarella cheese, sliced into 1/4 inch slices

  • 1 bunch fresh basil, leaves removed but kept whole

  • Coarse salt, I like sea salt

  • Freshly ground black pepper

  • Olive oil, to drizzle, about a tablespoon

  • Balsamic vinegar, to drizzle, about a teaspoon (optional)

Assemble Your Caprese:

Place tomato slices in a single layer on a plate. Top each piece with a slice of mozzarella cheese. Tuck a piece or two of basil in between the tomato and cheese. Lightly salt and pepper each piece. Lightly drizzle olive and balsamic vinegar (if using) over all pieces. Serve.