How Our Garden Grows

Garden Harvest Sept 30.jpg
Food is beautiful.  I’m not talking about just any food.  I’m talking about food that you can watch grow, mother nature working her magic, life happening right before your very eyes.  Until I had a garden, I never noticed as much, but when you see food in its life cycle, it becomes poetic.  When you understand how much each vegetable gives back to you, the vitamins, the nutrients, the sustenance, it kind of blows my mind at times.  Maybe I'm just a little weird.  I do have other foodie friends that can relate to such thoughts, but I also think I'm a little off the charts with my food obsession.  Anyway, I could love worse things, and all I'm trying to say is that I appreciate food and what it does for me.  Sometimes there are days when we pick baskets full of color.  At times I can't believe how much one plant can produce.  Our cherry tomatoes usually go wild every year.  Check out the day Drew picked a bunch below.  These are some of our best harvests from the Summer of 2017.  Corn was our experimental crop that year, and it was SO good that we've added it to the permanent-to-plant list.  We've never had sweeter, more tender corn.  I wish I could line my whole backyard with it, but then my husband might kill me if he came home to that one day.  

Jack the Sunflower


Garden Harvest