Our Backyard Garden


Some years are better than others. Depending on what kind of weather we get, if its a heavy rain season, or perhaps dealing with different pests, every year brings a different garden. Every year, there’s always a strong crop, and there’s always a weak one. 2019 was a tough year overall. In the six years that we’ve been gardening this was the year of our least yields. It made me a little sad, but it also makes me want to figure it out. Next year I’m going to work on improving my soil. I was talking with a client of mine who does an excellent job in his organic garden. He gave me lots of new ideas. Typically, I don’t do much and am proud of our simple organic garden, but next year I’m going to ramp it up. My client gave me some awesome advice on using crushed up eggshells, earthworm castings, fish guts (I know, I know, that doesn’t sound appealing at all, but I can only imagine how much the veggies will love it), ground bone meal, and Epson salt. Honestly, I never truly know what I’m doing in the garden before I try it for the first time, but that’s what Google and YouTube are for. I’ll study it, try it and let you all know how it goes. What works, what doesn’t, what smells (fish guts). So, stay tuned in 2020. Here we come! In the meantime, here’s some of 2019’s top picks.


Farm to Table Lean and Green - Filet Mignon and Sauteed Veggies


Farm to Table Clean Eating - Grilled Chicken, Corn off the Cob, and Cucumber Salad