Ranger Turns 10

Ranger 10.jpg

So everyone knows Ranger’s my dog, the dog who came into my life and changed me forever. Before him, I didn’t get it. When I’d see a dog, the first thing that hit me was their smell. A little stinky. They all were. Some drool, more than I’d like them to, and please, keep it to yourself, dog. Keep your drool on your face, and not on me! I just couldn’t see others’ infatuation with this species. Thank God, Kurt encouraged me to give dogs a chance. After a few years of dropping a strong hint that he wanted us to have a dog, he called me one day from the puppy store. (Yes, if I had to do it over again, I’d stay away from puppy stores and use a rescue instead, but this is how we found Ranger, so I don’t regret getting him there). “I found this dog. He’s really cute and sweet, and he’s a Wheaton Terrier, hypoallergenic, so he won’t bother my allergies. Wanna go see him after work today?” I replied, “What’s a Wheaton Terrier?” I’d never heard of the breed, but I was happy to hear he wouldn’t make Kurt sneeze, and that he shouldn’t shed all over my house. So we go to store. I meet Ranger. He’s cute. He’s REALLY cute!!! He looked like a little bear cub, and he was super sweet. Ok, I liked him. Something clicked. We leave the store. I already love this puppy. Kurt leaves for a work trip the next day. He tells me, “Think about it over the week. If we’re meant to have him, he’ll still be there when I get back, and we can make a decision then.” Well, I’m home all alone. I couldn’t stop thinking about this little puppy, and I went to the store to visit and play with him. Next thing I know, we swiped my credit card, and I joyfully walked out the door with him in my arms. I called Kurt that night, “Guess what, honey? I brought him home with me today!” I had no idea how to take care of a dog, or how to properly crate train one without making one big giant mess, but that’s a WHOLE OTHER (sort of funny) story. So, today Ranger turned 10! How quickly time has gone, and how much love he’s brought into our lives. We had to celebrate properly, and that meant banana bread muffins piped with peanut butter, a candle, birthday hat, and singing happy birthday to him. Yes, they were healthy homemade human banana bread muffins (made with honey and coconut oil instead of sugar) that we all enjoyed too. He sat there through the entire birthday song, listening to every word. He also got some orange tennis balls, a couple new bones, and boatloads of love that day. Dogs deserve birthday “cake” too.

Recipe adapted from Cookie and Kate. I make her banana bread all the time, but I make it gluten free. To make yours GF, instead of using 1 3/4 cups white whole wheat or regular whole wheat flour I substitute these three ingredients together instead:

  • 1 cup King Arthur Gluten Free All-Purpose Flour
  • 3/4 cup Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Old Fashioned Rolled Oats
  • 3/4 teaspoon xanthum gum  

Whisk these together well in a separate bowl and add them in at step 4 when it calls for the flour.

I also LOVE bananas, so I always use three medium bananas instead of two.

The recipe is for banana bread, but when the dogs have birthdays I make muffins instead. The bake time will vary for muffins. Start testing them to see if they’re done at least ten minutes sooner than the recipe calls for. Stick a toothpick into the center. If it comes out clean, they’re done. If any wet batter shows, continue to bake.
Once they’re out of the oven and completely cooled down, I pipe peanut butter around the edges.


Farm to Table - Filet Mignon with Stuffed Banana Peppers


Jack the Sunflower