The Truffled Life

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Swiss Chocolate

Every once in a while I have a good year at work and am fortunate enough to earn some pretty cool trips.  This was a trip that I won to Switzerland, one of the most beautiful countries I’ve been to.  Visiting a chocolatier was a must, and Laderach in Vevey did not disappoint.  Prior to this trip, and almost embarrassing to admit, I’ve never been a big chocolate fan.  Most people die for chocolate, but I could take it or leave it.  I can easily live my life without chocolate.  However, after having Swiss chocolate, my life changed a little bit that day.  It’s like no other chocolate I’ve ever had, and it’s simply spoiling.  Dilemma:  I didn't want to leave Switzerland without it.  Solution:  I bought $200 in chocolate to bring back home with me to share with my friends and family.  When you think about it, that’s a lot of chocolate!  After I bought it all, I looked at my suitcase.  No room to fit it in there.  Solution #2:  I needed a new backpack anyway, so I ended up buying a Swiss Army bag to get it all home.  My son was ecstatic when I got home and told him what was in the bag and let him unzip it to unveil all the treats that were inside.  My take away and tip for you:  When traveling anywhere, it’s an absolute must to try what that place is known for.  If I didn’t try the chocolate, because I wasn’t a chocolate lover, I would be missing out on one of the finer treats in life.  Now when I’m in Trader Joes or Aldi, I’m always picking up one of their fun brands to break off a square or two after dinner.  What's my favorite flavor?  Dark chocolate with sea salt.  Drop me a line and tell me yours!