Mom’s Potato Pancakes

Potato Pancake.jpg
Potato pancakes, one of my favorite childhood memories.  My mom used to make these anytime we had leftover mashed potatoes.  And since we have leftovers from Easter, I couldn't wait to make these for lunch today.  I don't know exactly what it is that makes these so special to me:  the fact that reinvented holiday leftovers always taste great, the butter crust that forms on the outside, or the fond memories I have with my mom.  Do you have a favorite food your mom used to make you?  Something that when you eat it brings back childhood memories, a recollection of home that warms your soul?  Or maybe it was a family recipe your grandma or your aunt made you.  What's one of your favorite childhood foods, the one that reminds you of home?  
This recipe is pretty simple and just uses your leftover mashed potatoes.  You’ll find other recipes that incorporate eggs and flour.  The key with this recipe is to use a good non stick skillet. Cook on the first side as long as you can to form a nice crust before turning to the other side.  If you work carefully your patties will hold together.  If they fall apart, I promise you they’ll still taste the same.  Worse things could happen.  Don't sweat the small stuff!
How to Make Potato Pancakes:
  • leftover mashed potatoes
  • 1-2 tablespoons butter, the real deal (no imitation stuff)
  • salt
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • optional toppings:  sour cream, finely chopped green onions, garlic salt, grated parmesan cheese
Take a handful of potatoes.  Roll them like you're making a meatball, then flatten them into a patty.  Repeat until you have the desired amount of patties.  Melt your butter in a non-stick skillet over medium heat.  Place your potato pancakes in the skillet and cook for 2-3 minutes or until golden brown.  Flip and cook on the other side another minute or so until browned.  Season with salt and pepper and plate.  Add any optional toppings you like and serve.  


Buffalo Chicken Pasta


Happy Easter 2020