Homemade Pizza Night

In February of 2019, I was diagnosed with a gluten intolerance.  That’s difficult news to get when you’re someone who bakes your own bread every week, enjoys pizza everywhere you go, and would possibly give up your left pinky for pasta.  Having removed gluten from my diet it was nearly a year later that I was terribly missing pizza.  Most gluten free crusts taste like cardboard, and I’m sorry, but when you want a good old-fashioned pizza dough you don’t want a cauliflower crust.  My functional medicine doctors at Integrative Wellness Group (who are the BEST) recommended this Italian flour. Antimo Caputo Italian flour is less processed than American brands, and even though it’s a wheat flour, it’s generally well tolerated for some individuals with a gluten intolerance.  Our pizzas turned out amazing, and it was such a treat to have REAL dough!  My gluten intolerance isn’t as bad as having full blown Celiac, but I did suffer some pretty awful symptoms for five long years before I was correctly diagnosed.  Having said that, I don’t know how others may tolerate this product.  The only thing I can attest to is that I did not have any symptoms after I ate it.  I read enough reviews on the product site from others with a gluten intolerance that I figured it was worth me giving it a try, and I'm glad I did.  This was not only a fun family night where everyone made their own, but I now have a great option when I want to eat pizza (not cardboard).  Drew was so happy with the pizza he made that he made me laugh when he said, “Mom, I’m gonna make this every night in college!” 

Recipe adapted from Ooni.

Some notes about the recipe: I add two more ingredients to my dough. First I whisk 1 1/2 tablespoons sugar into the flour. Then when you’re adding the yeast mixture to the flour, I add 1 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil.

Top your pizza with your favorite toppings. We always mix ours up.

Finally, since this recipe comes off a pizza oven sight their directions tell you to bake it in your pizza oven. I don’t have a pizza oven (but I sure wish I did). I simply bake mine at 475 degrees for 18-20 minutes or until the cheese has melted and the crust is golden brown. I do use a pizza stone, but a regular cookie sheet works just fine.

This recipe is specifically for this brand of Antimo Caputo Chef’s Flour Tipo “00”. Results may vary if another brand or type is used.


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